Spin Detector

Live roulette detection software: the first step to the prediction.

Program Description:

This software is intended for the testing of live online roulettes. This program determines the location of Zero and Ball on the roulette wheel and presents the results in graphical form. You can evaluate the honesty of online casinos by the graph.


You can download the program

You can download this program to test its capabilities. Brief instruction how to use the program is inside the archive SpinDetector.zip in the file Description.txt. To run the program correctly you must unpack SpinDetector.zip and then run Spin.exe from the "bin" folder.

You can buy the source code

Also, you can buy the source code of this program to continue its development.
(The C++ Programming Language)

Benefits of the source code:

  • The whole source code is splited into independent blocks that can be used in other applications. (example: screen capture block, Zero detection block, Ball detection block, block for drawing graphics, a conversion of perspective coordinates block and etc.)

  • The source code contains methods for detecting Zero and Ball which give excellent results on various video roulette in online casinos.

  • The source code contains a block of perspective coordinate transformation which maps the coordinates on the ellipse into the coordinates on the circle.

  • The source code contains a block of screen capture which allows you to adjust the width and height and position of the capture-rectangle on the screen.

  • The source code contains a block of drawing graphics (oscillographic form). With the ability to add multiple curves on a canvas.

  • The source code contains a block of the direction determining of the wheel rotation.

  • The source code contains a block of parameters detection, the geometry of the wheel, screen capture settings. Also it contains the saving block of settings and reading of settings from the file.

  • Block diagram:

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